Chad Gobel
CEO & Founder
Gobel Group (Kennett Square, PA)
Chad is a twenty-year veteran of institutional advancement programs, having played leading roles in billion dollar medical center campaigns at the Cleveland Clinic and University of Rochester Medical Center. Chad has built the Gobel Group into the largest consulting firm working exclusively in healthcare philanthropy and the leader in grateful patient philanthropy programs. The Gobel Group works with 200 hospitals throughout North America. Chad received his Masters in Business Administration from The Ohio State University and his undergraduate degree from Towson University. He has served in leadership roles as Associate Chairman of Development at the Cleveland Clinic, Chief Development Officer at the University of Rochester Medical Center, Assistant Dean for External Affairs at the Ohio State University College of Dentistry, and Executive Director of Development at the University of Maryland School of Public Affairs. He’s a frequent speaker at national conferences, serves on the faculty of the AHP Madison Institute, and published the widely circulated book, “How to Become a Top Producer in Healthcare Philanthropy.” With his two sons, Chad is active advocate and donor for children and animal causes in his community. He serves as Chair of the Development Committee, member of the Executive Committee and Board Member for the YMCA of Greater Brandywine Valley, as well as a Board Member for the Brandywine Valley SPCA.