Finding Your Foundation Voice and Story Masterclass
Is your hospital or health system foundation looking to elevate its brand voice and story? This new masterclass from the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) is specifically designed for foundation leaders—chief executives and marketing and communications professionals—who want to refine their organization’s narrative and communicate more effectively with key stakeholders.
Virtual Session Dates:
February 19, 26, and March 5
2-3 pm ET | 11 am – 12 pm PT
Over three interactive sessions, you’ll learn how to uncover your foundation’s unique voice, align it with your mission, and craft compelling stories that resonate with donors and other key audiences. With expert guidance, actionable strategies, and proven tactics, you’ll walk away equipped to strengthen your foundation’s impact, build deeper connections, and amplify your brand presence.
A Special Thank You to AHP:
AHP has graciously extended a special offer to the Forum for Healthcare Strategists. Use the code AHPFHS at checkout to receive the AHP member rate of $299.

Monigle’s Humanizing Brand Experience Vol 6 Report Available Now!
Healthcare’s most actionable and in-depth brand and experience report is available now. In its sixth year, Monigle’s Humanizing Brand Experience Vol 6 report is informed by more than 25,000 consumers, ranks more than 200 healthcare brands across the country, and highlights the emerging consumer trends, needs, and behaviors in healthcare.
To learn more, download this complimentary healthcare brand, experience, and culture report today.

Marcom Post-Pandemic Pulse Check
Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock and the Forum for Healthcare Strategists recently surveyed marketing and communications leaders to learn more about their COVID journey and what’s next.
The survey responses revealed that, while Marcom leaders are incredibly proud of their teams’ efforts, 70 percent are taking a strategic look at their internal communications efforts and team structure to optimize efficiencies, content, and channels and to promote scale. Another significant priority is to leverage the momentum and influence gained by their teams during the pandemic.
To learn more, download the survey report.
Why your website's connective tissue may be costing you money
A New Value Equation for Digital Healthcare
It’s fair to say that the experience of living through a pandemic has forever changed consumer behavior, especially for healthcare. Patients demand quality and affordability now more than ever, but what else? Modea examined customer website behavior from three large health systems during 2020 to uncover lessons about how the use of digital tools has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Understanding these trends will help you prioritize decisions regarding how to best serve your current and future customers on the web.
Download this new report today to:
● Learn how the pandemic has forever changed the value equation for healthcare
● See real data and examples that show firsthand what customers value most on the web
● Get 3 actionable next steps to get your team thinking about how to prioritize your customers’ needs

The What to Eat When Cookbook
By Michael Roizen, Michael Crupain, and Chef Jim Perko
In their acclaimed lifestyle guide What to Eat When, Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Michael Crupain revealed when to eat foods for healthier living, disease prevention, better performance, and a longer life. The key, they assert, is eating breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. Now, in this mouthwatering sequel, they deliver 135 recipes to put these lessons into practice—from a fiber-rich pasta dish loaded with healthy and fresh tomatoes and a creamy lemon dip and homemade crackers to satisfy your snack cravings to a salmon burger you’ll love to eat for breakfast (yes, breakfast!) and a healthier, decadent chocolate mousse that also offers hormone-boosting ingredients before you hit the gym.
Each dish is paired with practical information about the nutrients and benefits of the ingredients, plus expert cooking tips, what portion size to eat when, and helpful substitutions. Covering breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert—and the best times to eat all four—this highly anticipated sequel to Roizen and Crupain’s best-selling eating guide offers a plethora of meals that will get you through the day and extend your life by years!

How Does Your Website Stack Up?
Your hospital or health system’s web analytics tell a story. It’s a story about how healthcare consumers are using your website, and it’s told in milliseconds, minutes, and percentages. Simply put, it’s how you can measure whether or not your hospital or health system is achieving the marketing objectives your team has outlined.
Download How Does Your Website Stack Up?, a complimentary new report from Modea, to:
- Learn more about four common website metrics that matter to health systems
- Get real data — averages from a mix of academic medical centers, children’s hospitals, and regional healthcare systems — to benchmark your organization against
- Learn how to decipher the story your analytics are telling
The report is packed with questions, exercises, free tools, and more. Don’t miss out!

Physician Relations: The Model, The Method & The Impact
By Kriss Barlow
Kriss Barlow, the leading expert in physician relations, has released a new book, Physician Relations: The Model, The Method & The Impact. Using a best practice framework, Barlow addresses strategic imperatives and then provides a practical look at each component in the process including:
- Business Strategies
- Structure
- Talent
- Measurement
- Internal Collaboration
- The Future State
This practical, hands-on book is ideal for leaders ready to re-energize their programs, the field staff, and those charged with launching physician relations efforts!
Coronavirus Resources
On-Site Studios has partnered with Baldwin Publishing, Inc. to provide coronavirus content, including videos and articles, for healthcare organizations to use with their employees, patients, and consumers. You can find them here: On-Site Studios Coronavirus Resources.
DataStory: Explain Data and Inspire Action Through Story
By Nancy Duarte
What if you sliced data and found a huge problem or opportunity? Data did its job, but now it needs a storyteller. The way insights are communicated could reverse or increase the trajectory of data. The actions you ask others to take today can change your future data. But getting others to move forward with those actions only happens when someone communicates well. As you grow in your career, you can become a strategic advisor and ultimately a leader using data to shape a future where humanity and organizations flourish.
DataStory is not about visualizing data; instead, you’ll learn how to transform numbers into inspirational narratives to drive action. For the book, Nancy Duarte culled through thousands of data slides from her clients in consumer, technology, finance, and healthcare industries. DataStory covers the findings in the language, structure and visual hierarchy helping data to be understood and acted on. You’ll learn to:
- Explain data through the lens of empathy
- Spark action through story structures
- Craft recommendations that get approved
- Write clear observations of charts and annotate them
- Structure and layout a Slidedoc
- Inspire others with data that sticks
Maverick's Update: What Matters to You About Health Policy
Stay up to date on the latest developments in health policy with this new e-newsletter from Maverick Health Policy! Maverick Health Policy is a healthcare consultancy led Julie Barnes, JD, a health policy expert with years of experience helping the private sector navigate federal government activities that impact the healthcare system.
A Strategic Plan to Improve Your Health and Life Through Food
What To Eat When
By Michael Roizen, Michael Crupain, Ted Spiker
What if eating two cups of blueberries a day could prevent cancer? If drinking a kale-infused smoothie could counteract missing an hour’s worth of sleep? When is the right time of day to eat that chocolate chip cookie? And would you actually drink that glass of water if it meant skipping the gym?
This revolutionary guide reveals how to use food to enhance our personal and professional lives–and increase longevity to boot. What to Eat When is not a diet book. Instead, acclaimed internist Michael Roizen and preventive medicine specialist Michael Crupain offer readers choices that benefit them the most–whether it’s meals to help them look and feel younger or snacks that prevent diseases–based on the science that governs them.

The Seven Essential Habits of Successful Online Reputation Management in Healthcare
75% of healthcare consumers use online ratings and reviews to help select a provider. As a result, hospitals and physician practices are increasingly adopting online reputation management – and many are seeking guidance on how to do it effectively.
This complimentary ebook will help you jumpstart your online reputation management efforts. You’ll find lessons, advice, and best practices from leading healthcare organizations and Binary Fountain that you can apply to your own program.

How to Work With and Lead People Not Like You
By Kelly McDonald
If you’re in a diverse team, you know employee differences can cause miscommunication, lower trust, and hurt productivity. . . It doesn’t have to be this way!
The people you work with may be from a different generation, different culture, different race, different gender, or just a different philosophy toward work and life in general, but you need to work together toward a common goal. How to Work With and Lead People Not Like You, a 2017 Bestselling Business Book, explains how to dial down the differences, smooth out the friction, and play upon each other’s strengths to become more effective, more productive, and less stressed. The keys are to find the common ground and identify hidden conflicts that are hurting productivity.

Everyone's An Artist (or At Least They Should Be)
By Ron Tite, Scott Kavanagh, and Christopher Novais
Can a Canali-clad million-dollar banker learn anything from a paint-stained artist? Definitely. Especially now.
Clearly, succeeding in business is an art form. Weve informally labelled activities and pursuits as the art of management, the art of marketing or even the art of doing more with less, but weve rarely made the direct connection between the two worlds.
With a rapidly changing digital economy, new and emerging technologies, increased clutter and drastically altered media landscape, successful companies are those that are original, creative and innovative. Defining business as art is now a credible school of thought, and the lessons are far more practical than philosophical. Everyone’s An Artist shows how and why the most successful executives and entrepreneurs think like artists.

The Internet to the Inner-net
By Gopi Kallayil
The Internet has become humanity’s invisible central nervous system, connecting us at the speed of thought. More people today have access to mobile phones than have access to clean drinking water. Yet the most important technology is still the one within us: our brain, body, and consciousness.
A fast-paced career in the high-tech industry combined with a deep yoga and meditation practice has allowed Gopi Kallayil—Google’s Chief Evangelist for Brand Marketing and one of the leading voices encouraging yoga and mindfulness in the workplace today—to integrate his inner and outer technologies to a remarkable degree. Wisdom from his yoga mat and meditation cushion guides his professional career, and his work life provides the perfect classroom to deepen his wisdom practice. The Internet to the Inner-Net guides readers to do the same. In some three dozen essays, Gopi shares his experiments in conscious living and offers insight, inspiration, and rituals—such as yoga, mindful eating, and even napping—to help us access and transform our own inner worlds.

Managing Discovery in the Life Sciences: Harnessing Creativity to Drive Biomedical Innovation
By Philip A. Rea, Mark V. Pauly and Lawton R. Burns
In this book, distinguished scholars Philip A. Rea, Mark V. Pauly, and Lawton R. Burns explore the science and management behind marketable biomedical innovations. They look at how the science actually played out through the interplay of personalities, the cultures within and between academic and corporate entities, and the significance of serendipity not as a mysterious phenomenon but one intrinsic to the successes and failures of the experimental approach. With newly aggregated data and case studies, they consider the fundamental economic underpinnings of investor-driven discovery management, not as an obstacle or deficiency as its critics would contend or as something beyond reproach as some of its proponents might claim, but as the only means by which scientists and managers can navigate the unknowable to discover new products and decide how to sell them so as to maximize the likelihood of establishing a sustainable pipeline for still more marketable biomedical innovations.

Stealing Fire
By Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal
It’s the biggest revolution you’ve never heard of, and it’s hiding in plain sight. Over the past decade, Silicon Valley executives like Eric Schmidt and Elon Musk, Special Operators like the Navy SEALs and the Green Berets, and maverick scientists like Sasha Shulgin and Amy Cuddy have turned everything we thought we knew about high performance upside down. Instead of grit, better habits, or 10,000 hours, these trailblazers have found a surprising short cut. They’re harnessing rare and controversial states of consciousness to solve critical challenges and outperform the competition.
New York Times bestselling author Steven Kotler and high performance expert Jamie Wheal spent four years investigating the leading edges of this revolution. Stealing Fire is the result of that investigation. It is a provocative examination of what’s actually possible; a guidebook for anyone who wants to radically upgrade their life to make it richer, more productive, and more satisfying.

Fascinate: How to Make Your Brand Impossible to Resist
By Sally Hogshead
Why are some brands and people more captivating and memorable than others? In a distracted, overcrowded world, how do some leaders break through the noise to influence behavior, beliefs, and buying decisions? More persuasive than marketing, advertising, or any other form of communication, Fascination is the most powerful way to influence decision making.
With her internationally acclaimed book, FASCINATE, Sally Hogshead explores and explains the irresistible influence of fascination. This extensively revised and updated edition includes Sally’s latest research on the science of fascination. Structured around the seven languages of fascination—power, passion, innovation, alarm, mystique, prestige, and alert—FASCINATE explores how anyone can use these triggers to make products, messages, services, and themselves more fascinating—and more successful.

By Mitch Joel
The transition of all industries into the fully-digital future leaves everybody caught in a middle ground – it’s not heaven, it’s not hell, and it’s very confusing. Businesses and employees are not sure where things are headed or what they must do to survive and thrive. In short, this is a time of purgatory. In his new book, CTRL ALT Delete, Mitch Joel provides a roadmap for business and professional success through this purgatory. It explains the convergence of five movements that will change business forever, identifies seven triggers that will help individuals take advantage of those movements, and shows all readers how to make the necessary reboot – in effect, how to CTRL ALT Delete.
Baylor Scott & White Health's Quality Journey
Baylor Scott & White Health (BSWH) has formalized its commitment to quality with the adoption of the STEEEP framework supporting the Institute of Medicine’s call for health care that is safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient centered. Explore BSWH’s journey, success strategies, and lessons learned in these four books.

Achieving STEEEP Health Care
David J. Ballard, MD, PhD, MSPH, FACP, Editor
Associate Editors: Neil S. Fleming, Joel T. Allison, Paul B. Convery, Rosemary Luquire
Winner of a 2014 Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award!
Achieving STEEEP Health Care offers practical strategies and lessons in the areas of people, culture, and processes that have contributed to dramatic improvements in patient and operational outcomes. The book also discusses newer approaches to accountable care that strive to simultaneously improve the patient experience of care, improve population health, and reduce per capita costs of health care. (ISBN 9781466565371)

The Guide to Achieving STEEEP™ Health Care
By David J. Ballard, MD, PhD
This Shingo Prize-winning guide book is a companion to Achieving STEEEP Health Care. It presents practical approaches and tools, including sample workflows, forms, charters, and checklists, that healthcare delivery organizations can use to organize, lead, execute, and measure the impact of their own improvement efforts. (ISBN 9781482236811)

Achieving Safe Health Care
By Jan Compton
Winner of a 2016 Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award!
Achieving Safe Health Care provides a detailed overview of the Baylor Scott & White Health approach to the delivery of safe care, the leading aim of the STEEEP quality and patient safety framework. The book presents real-life examples, practical approaches, and tools for improving patient safety, structured around strategic efforts in categories of culture, processes, and technology. Maintaining a focus on human factors in patient safety and health care, the book explains the need for advanced analytics along with long-term learning and corporate resources. (ISBN 9781498732390)

By Carl Couch, MD, MMM, FAAFP
Baylor Scott & White Health has established and continues to develop an ACO called the Baylor Scott & White Quality Alliance (BSWQA) to improve the quality of care and decrease health care costs through clinical integration. Accountable: The Baylor Scott & White Quality Alliance Accountable Care Journey tells the story of the BSWQA and its clinical network and payers who are committed to delivering accountable, value-based patient care. It describes the need for ACOs in today’s health care environment and details the framework and requirements needed to establish one. (ISBN 9781498743334)
Better & Faster: The Proven Path to Unstoppable Ideas
By Jeremy Gutsche
What great ideas are you missing that are so close within your grasp? In our world of chaos and change, what are you overlooking? If you knew the answer, you’d be a better innovator, better manager, and better investor. Better and Faster, a New York Times and #1 Bestseller, will make you BETTER by teaching you how to overcome evolutionary traps that block successful people from realizing their full potential. Then, it will make you FASTER by teaching you 6 Patterns of Opportunity — repeatable shortcuts that you can use to find better ideas, faster.
Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability & Science of Customer Centricity
By Avinash Kaushik
The Web, digital marketing, and advertising have been revolutionized in the last few years, yet the approach to using data has remained largely the same as a decade ago. In his second book, Avinash Kaushik presents a next-generation framework of web analytics that will dramatically enhance the ability of your organization to think smart and move fast. Avinash lays out specific strategies and execution models to evolve from simply leveraging clickstream tools to incorporating the insightful elixir of qualitative data, experimentation and testing, and competitive intelligence tools.
Web Analytics: An Hour A Day
By Avinash Kaushik
Web Analytics: An Hour a Day is the ultimate resource for anyone needing a step-by-step, task-based guide to creating and maintaining a modern web analytics strategy and framework. Written by an in the trenches practitioner of web analytics, this bestselling book provides a unique insider’s perspective of the challenges and opportunities of web analytics for everyone who touches the web within an organization. Web Analytics goes beyond concepts and definitions to provide a step-by-step guide to implementing a successful web analytics strategy.